Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
Education and Career Guidance (ECG)

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Cedar Girls’ Secondary School takes a holistic approach when planning and carrying out our Education and Career Guidance (ECG) programmes. Throughout the four years in school, our students will go through compulsory classroom ECG lessons where they discover about themselves, find out their strengths through personality tests and be informed about pre-requisites of post-secondary education and so as to make the right choices.
The school organises for the students customised Learning Journeys to organisation of their choice, talks by Experts from various fields of work and Career Exhibitions where all the local Universities, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and various government organisations are invited to set up booths to share with our students information about the various courses and jobs in Singapore. Our students are also encouraged to take up internships in Year 3 or Year 4 with any organisation of their choice.
Last but not least, the school also organises workshops on interview, communication and life skills (e.g. Dining Etiquette) so as to prepare our students for the VUCA world. All these are aimed at equipping our students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values so that they can make informed post-secondary education and career decisions.